C++/CLI If (file->Exist)

I'm really having a hard time understand those Microsoft pages. They use weird ways of demonstrating examples (IMO).

But if I have a file named:
And this is the directory:

what is the best C++/CLI way of seeing if that file exist. Please keep in mind I'm still new at this. If something is a string, etc please make it obvious!!!
I'm not sure, but I would use an StreamReader,
and the existence of your file could you check it with
File und StreamReader belong to namespace System::IO.

Look at the Msdn help with the topic Basic File I/O.


thank you! lol who would have thought that would be so simple??? I found it at the very bottom of a MS page, I'll never understand why they make the simple things SO HARD to find :/

Anyway, thanks again, and again, and again! without you I couldn't have got the google search right!
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