I need a C++ Porter


I have created a Cross Platform Game Called " Block Crisis " http://www.blockcrisis.com I need someone who has a linux and/or Macintosh OS X Computer to compile my game using code::blocks ide on linux and a Macintosh.

If someone is interested please email me at upxtool@gmail.com and I'll send you the Complete Source Code.

While I could do it for Linux (if the code is really portable), compiling it yourself shouldn't be a problem. Installing a Linux distro into a virtual machine takes less than half an hour.
Mac OS X is a different story, though.
@ OP: Are you really using API specific code? Would it be simpler for you to swap that out for something in say the Boost library?

I'll try the linux distro. Yes, The Source is really portable. It uses Cross Platform Libraries such as SDL, SDL_IMAGE, SDL_TTF, SDL_MIXER and OpenGL. I wrote it to be portable I really just need someone who has a Macintosh OS X to compile it for the Mac. I can do it for Linux.

As it is a commercial game, are you prepared to pay your Mac tester?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
[rhetorical] Why post in a Windows Forum when you are looking for a Mac person?[/rhetorical]
I need someone who has a linux and/or Macintosh OS X Computer to compile
You really should try it yourself. You'll learn invaluable lessons in writing portable code.
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