Should I replace Dev-C++?


I have read some articles about Dev-C++ IDE, and should I replace it with another compiler?

If so, what other IDE's would you recommend me?

I have been using Dev-C++ since I stared the C++ tutorials on this website, and although for me is a very great compiler, I had some unexpected rare errors and some problems in the past.

Thanks in advance,

The list of good free IDEs includes but is not limited to:

1- Code::Blocks ->
2- Visual Studio C++ Express ->
3- Netbeans ->
4- Eclipse ->
5- QT Creator -> (scroll down a bit to download it as a standalone)

Dev C++ isn't a compiler, It's an IDE. Dev C++ uses MinGW compiler, which is also used by Code::Blocks.

Visual Studio don't uses MinGW but instead uses its own compiler. if you're using Dev C++ your best option is Code::Block since it's very similar to Dev C++.
Thank you very much!
No..Sadly you can't the reason being is that's the language. Just like in pascal the begin and end statement are needed to make the if statement work. Same with C++. You must have the braces.
I also think the braces are easier. It takes less time then having to write , begin and end and I know it takes some time to get used to but trust me you'll get used to it. Just keep working at it , oh and most large languages use the braces ( { } ) so you might as well just get used to it.
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