
Pages: 12
If its more powerfol then can tell me were you get it frome?
From Microsoft:

You could just Google search VC++ yourself you know, MS Visual tools are VERY popular and easy to find.
so this VC++ is more powerfol then dev-cpp?
ok i tryed to install it but it dose not install!!!!??!?!?
dont get it!
How does it not install? You download the file linked, virus scan it, and run it. Then you select some options and it installs. You do however need an internet connection to install; perhaps that is your problem...

And yes, VC++ is far far better then DevC++. Not only is DevC++ buggy abandonware with an outdated compiler, but also VC++ has a great debugger, decent code prediction and intellisense and support for a number of C++0x features.
it says that it fald to install one of the components.
Umm... well I don't really know then. I suppose you could tell us which component failed to install. But you're more likely to get useful help about this on the MSDN forums.
Visual Studio is by far the best choice if you want to develop ONLY on windows platform.
Absolutely. And if you're careful (read: don't use MS/Windows specific stuff), you can still port the code elsewhere later.
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Pages: 12