ActiveX save file to disk

I am writing an MFC ActiveX control that runs in IE 7 and interfaces with a fingerprint imaging device. There is a method in the fingerprint device SDK that saves a fingerprint image as a .bmp file to a hard disk: SaveImage(const TCHAR * pszPathName). Seems simple enough, but it refuses to work in my control.

Using the vendor's sample stand-alone (not ActiveX) application it works just fine. I eventually resorted to literally copying and pasting their source code and still no luck. The return values always indicate that the save was successful but the file is nowhere to be found.

Obviously I'm not expecting anyone here to be able to blindly diagnose a problem with the vendor's SDK (and I am in contact with the vendor's support team as well). But I am hoping someone can confirm whether or not this might be a problem specific to ActiveX controls. Maybe they don't allow files to be saved to the local hard drive? I would find that kind of hard to believe though. Or maybe there are some extra steps I may be missing that are not necessary in a non-ActiveX Windows app?

I've also looked through my Internet Explorer settings and I don't see anything that would seem to indicate any browser settings are getting in the way.

I'm pretty new to both Visual C++ and ActiveX controls, but everything else up to this point has worked without any problems.

Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, you cannot write files via an ActiveX in IE7 and above. Maybe even IE 6. Or better said, you cannot under Protected Mode. Is IE running in protected mode? Try running it with protected mode off. Does it work?
webJose, that seems to be the case. On my Vista workstation I can't disable Protected Mode (it's set by group policy) but on my XP workstation, where there is no such thing as Protected Mode, it works as expected.

Thanks! I appreciate the help.
Funny enough I found that and bookmarked it earlier. Thanks again :)
Well actually, it turns out in the end that it wasn't an ActiveX issue per say nor a problem related to Protected Mode. It turns out that the file was being saved on both my Vista and XP workstations. However, on my XP workstation it was saving the file to the directory I pointed to in my file dialog but on my Vista workstation it was saving the file to the Desktop regardless of which directory I pointed to. I didn't notice the files were being saved to my desktop because my open windows were covering it :)

Anyway, long story short, it turns out it was an issue with Unicode vs MBCS strings. I no longer have any problems saving files to disk using my ActiveX control. Just wanted to clarify for anyone who might look at this post in the future.
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