Implementing a interface(abstract class) in DLL

I want to implement a class that inherits from an interface in a win-dll or unix-so.
Can I do this? How do I do?

You take the class, and you inherit it... What's the problem? Do you not know the name of the class? Do you not know how to load the DLL into memory? Where specifically are you stuck?
Sorry.What I want is something like a plugin system. I have an abstract base class that defines the plugin interface. But what he does depends on each plugin, each implementation of this class. I am researching the matter and has found something on. After I'll post what I found to help others.
So you want to take the exported functions and assign them to buttons or something simular to that? Kind of like "wbemtest" but where it would actually enable you to use the functions is that correct?
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