Manifest file from exe

I'm trying to get manifest file from windows .exe program.

Is there a way to get a manifest file from .exe file? or Do I have to create one?

If I have to create one, under "assemblyIdenitiy"
How do I know what to input in the fields? such as name, version.publicKeyToken?
There are already written programs like that, like Resource Hacker to extract resources from executables.
If you want to write your own is not that hard, windows has many APIs to work with.
thanks, that awesome, it writes it for you in some of the exe.
WTF is a manifest file? Do you mean a resource file? I know this OP's question has been answered already, I'll start a new thread if I have to.
A manifest file is just an XML formatted file which can be stored in executable as resource or in a separate file with ".manifest" extension in the same folder as executable.
Windows loader reads this file at runtime and take the necessary actions.
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