12:2 invalid preprocessing directive #pragma

Man, I feel like such a newbie(because I am)but... I have encountered another error. Just one this time, the error is in line 12 I think and the line is...

#pramga comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /Entry:mainCRTStartup")

Now, I am a bit confused as to why(well of course, otherwise I wouldnt ask)but I am doing this form the irrlicht helloworld tutorial so...
Please help! Thanks!
I don't see those linker options here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7f0aews7(VS.80).aspx. Where did you get that example from again? And what compiler are you using?
Just comment that linr, it is not needed. mainCRTStertup entry point is by default called automatically if you link against Microsoft C runtime library (which is 99% the case).
I suppose you are using Visual Studio, no other compiler recognize that syntax.
Fixed that, now I have a new problem with this error message when i try to debug

An access violation(Segmentation Fault)raised in your program.

What do I do about that?

EDIT: Turns out the program folder was missing the irrlicht.dll file. Fixed it.
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Fix it, hehe. Seriously, debug your code line by line, examining your variables as you go and determine the exact source of the problem. It could be a bad pointer, a variable not initialized, etc.
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