Screen Brightness


does some one know how we can get the brightness of the screen under Window OS? Really, until now I cant not find any thing interesting.

Thanks for your helps?
I don't think it's possible.

Seems to be a monitor hardware setting and not something you'd set through software (to adjust it you have to press buttons on the monitor -- you don't do it through Windows).

Then again I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible. I don't have the foggiest idea of how to do it though.

Some one suggest me to see the DirectX and OpenGL, but I have not any idea about that.
Well there you go!

I guess I should know better than to think something's not possible ;P

Thanks for the link, but I already saw it before.

I'm beginner in Windows programming, so I can change the brightness with setBrighness, but I can't get it.

Do you think that it is possible to create a function getBrithness for this purpose?

Thanks in advance.
I don’t think this is supported on all monitors like Disch said,
But if you are looking a way for only LCD backlights on laptops and tablets,
You can look to

You can make the function but it will not give you the Brightness only the average Color gamma
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