hiding exe from process explorer

hi all ,
is it possible to hide application exe from process explorer ?, i want no one should able to kill my application in between through task manager/process explorer.

Yes, but you'd better give a damn good reason. We don't devulge that kind of information lightly
If you don't want your app killed by certain kinds of process, surely it's a security matter.
@ OP: I should mention that the vector I have in mind isn't some script kiddie stuff that you can just pick up on a lunch break. It takes some learning.
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One approach is to write your main app code as DLL, inject it in explorer.exe process using a small executable and then quit.
Hiding a process or a existing file from task manager requires a kernel mode driver, which can only be written in 32-bit windows (not possible in x64 version due to security measures taken by Microsoft).
seems it can be use to write virus.
but my application will be visible one can close it , but not to allow to kill process from explorer.
Have you considered using Windows security to control who kills it? This route will require you to run it under a seperate account.
@ OP: This is a horrible idea, you only use Task_Manager\Process_Explorer to kill a process when it is unresponsive. As in after it has been established that the method for closing it that you built in does not work. If you deny this ability to the user then any errors that came up while running your program would require the system to be hard booted.
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