Make a Simple Survey

I'm trying to make a simple 5 page survey for my Psychology class in order to make it easier to collect data. I'm really new to coding and can't do much. I've been working for HOURS on trying to code this, and it definitely isn't very fun when I have no idea what I'm doing. I have gotten it to create a child window with text, but need to be able to make 3 more of those, but I don't know what part of the code to copy or where to put it in order to add it. Also, I need to create a drop down box/text edit box function to put answers to my questions. At the end, I want it to be able to send to my email address. I know that it's all possible to do, but I am having a ton of trouble with it. I'm using Dev C++ as my compiler. I've gotten a little bit of help from a programming friend, but he just doesn't have the time to code it for me or help me with it.

Can anyone tell me how to make it do what I want, and in what sections to place it? I'm pretty lost, I need help soon!

(It wouldn't let me post the code because I went over the character limit.)

...unless your teacher insists that it has to be done with C++ :P
closed account (3pj6b7Xj)
AS simple as it sounds, its a big C++ project...specially since you want it to email you the results! Thats not something I myself even know how to do...the drop down combo boxes, buttons, selections, etc that is easy to do but very time consuming when its all done manually...the final part emailing the contents ..... sorry sir, don't have a clue but I think it would involve winsock programming since it has to communicate with an email server to send the email results....the rest of that code may also get a little more involved as well, not to mention youd have to debug it.

I would stick with what matsom has given you if the teacher wants it in C++ wow...he must think your a veteran at it or something, there is so much you have to know and you don't seem to have a clue.....
I'm using Dev C++ as my compiler

Here's your first problem, unless you're using wxDev-C++ then you're working with abandonware at this point.

...he just doesn't have the time to code it for me or help me with it.

Money fixes issues like this faster then you might think is possible.

My vote is to listen to matsom. I know that Survey Monkey is easy to learn and use and will in fact E mail you the results of your questionaire. I'd say this is the right tool for the job.
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