Networking a C++ app

I have created an application in c++ (network chat application) in c++...
& now i need to how to network a c++ application ....any sugesstions (tutorials,blogs) that you might recommend
So... What is it that you have so far? Are you familiar with the WinSock2 API? Or are you more comfortable with some other lib? Would you mind posting your code in some tags if it's not too long?
Beej's guide is the greatest!

Basically you have to connect a socket to a destination, then send and receive information with that socket. Simple in concept and truthfully implementation as well.
Sorry for taking so long to reply.... actually what i have now is just an application that runs perfectly...but i don't have any knowledge of networking a c++ application....I'm only comfort in the general lib including the vcl.....WinSock2 API????
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