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Pages: 12
Project -> Build Options -> Linker Settings <tab>.
I added <tab> and it gives me the same error message.
He didn't say to add <tab>, he said to look at the Linker Settings tab and make there isn't extra stuff there.
Oh I see. Under Linker, there's 2 tables: "Link libraries" and "Other linker options". The latter is empty. "Link libraries" has "gdi32", "user32" and "kernel32" in its table. What should I do now?

EDIT: I've also tried deleting all three, but there seems to be no change in the program, and it gives me the same error message.
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Delete what you have under "Link Libraries" and use the "Add" button underneath it to browse out to the files you are trying to link to. Remeber to link them in the right order, OpenGL is a bit of a pain about that.
It asks me "Keep this as a relative path?" Should I?
OK, forget just about everything I posted. Instead of trying to make a program from scratch to test the game engine, I copied and pasted some sample code from a CD (which came with my book). The only change I made was that I swapped out the game engine files with the ones I coded. Now I get the error (at least I assume its an error) in the build log:
"Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)"

EDIT: Before doing this, I copied ALL the files from the disc (including the game engine files) into my project. It ran without any trouble.
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That means that errors were encountered during the build process. I think if you double click that message in Code::Blocks, the list of errors will appear.
When I double-click the message it simply highlights whatever word my cursor is currently on, including any part of the "process terminated" message.
Okay then. Swap to the "Build Messages" tab, which for me is just to the right of "Build Log". Then it will tell you your errors, and you can share them with us.
"Build Messages" is empty...

EDIT: OK, I decided to do more testing. I began by keeping my home-made GameEngine.cpp file and swapping out the header file for the GameEngine.h that came with the book. That gave me the same result of the "process terminated" message.
Next, I brought back the home-made GameEngine.h file, and this time swapped the GameEngine.cpp files. This time it worked fine.
Strangely, when I brought back the home-made GameEngine.cpp file, I could run the program fine! I have no idea why it would do this. I'll keep an eye on the GameEngine.cpp file though, as the header file seems like it works perfectly.
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