Learning Win32 API

HI,there I have charles petzold windows API programming 5th edition and I have heard it's the best book for learning windows API..But the problem I'm having is while learning from the book the code is "C" and I'am using Visual Studio C++ 2008 and I love it,but in the book from SCRNSIZE.c page 35 ,I typed the exact code and it had errors in compiling...why?

!!!!!!Please HELP!!!!!!! me in Understanding what I have to change or write in the code so I don't have these problems.....

Well, actually posting the code and the error messages sure would help...
hehe, +1 to Athar. Not everyone has that book. I once saw it @Amazon @ $300. Plus, page 35 doesn't have any examples. Page 35 belongs to chapter 2, An Introduction to Unicode, subtitle "Using printf in Windows".

EDIT: Ah, I see. Page 37.
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You need to post the code. I went through that book with VS 2008 without any problems. And that book is STILL the best way to learn Win programming, IMO.
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