File get corrupted when > 2GB


I have a TCP socket service application running on NTFS Windows 2003 system. It was running fine for a year and suddenly it started showing me corrupted log files randomly. We have 7 servers and this problem is seen randomly on each of these servers but not everyday. We have one log file whose size reaches 4GB or so in a day but we get lots of time this file full of NULL character (ascii hex val=0) after collecting logs of say initial 10 hours.
More symptoms
- There is no specific size after which this problem occurs but generally seen after 2GB size.
- On same system, on some days we will get the file size without any corruption of 4 GB as well. So nothing like >2GB causes problem always.
- The problem is randomly seen on the different servers.
- We are using fwrite() to write to this file opened using fopen(w+t mode).

I wrote small C++ application and was able to create files of 8GBs also. Thus size is related but not directly having any issues..

I am lost with options and thus want to get more heads to ponder on this.. How can this be debugged further..

Thanks in Advance
If nothing changed with your socket code then why would you suspect the issue might be there?

I honestly see hardware failure all over this post, but I'm a SysAdmin and when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.

A bad cable or network switch would be the first thing I would check for. Since you say this issue happend all at once and simultanious failure in hardware is damn near unheard of across seven servers this points to a failure point they all have in common.

This is a duplicate!!

never duplicate your post's.
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