gcnew keyword

I'm studying C++/CLI programming and I have problems with tracking handles. In some examples an object, such as an array, is created using the keyword 'gcnew':
array<int>^ values = gcnew array<int>(5);
In other examples the keyword 'gcnew' is not used:
array<int>^ values = {3, 5, 6, 8, 6};
I have read some articles about it, but none of them explain exactly when the use of 'gcnew' is necessary.
Can anybody explain me?
Thank you.
The first one allocates memory for an uninitialized array. The second is the opposite.

joseph63 wrote:
I have read some articles about it, but none of them explain exactly when the use of 'gcnew' is necessary. Can anybody explain me?
You use it when, you allocate memory for an array or a .NET framework object.

I'm not a C++/CLI expert. I could be wrong.
OK. Thank you for clarification.
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