Odd crashes

closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Affected System(s): Windows 7 Home Premium

Application Description:
C++/CLI GUI that uses a native C++ DLL

MSVC toolset v90

Problem Description:
The program works absolutely fine without any issues on 2 out of 3 systems (all of which being Windows 7 Home Premium). On the third system, I'm getting crashes from writing to protected memory when calling delete on native pointers. From what I can tell, all of the configuration on the systems seems to be the same, including the version of the .NET framework installed.

Aggravation Level: (0 = Tranquil, 10 = Smash this computer with a blunt object)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated, before the aggravation builds up to 10 :)
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"Aggravation Level: (0 = Tranquil, 10 = Smash this computer with a blunt object)
8.5" lmao
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
I suppose that if there's no quick solution to this, I can deal with the ~30 byte leak per object for now...but it just feels so wrong.
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