[HELP] Autoit to C/C++


I have this script made in Autoit

Local $hDownload = InetGet("http://www.website.com/file.jar", @TempDir & "\java.jar", 1, 0)
If Not FileExists(@SystemDir & "\java.exe") Then
	InetGet("http://www.website.com/java.exe" , @TempDir & "\java.exe" , 1 , 0)
	RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & @TempDir & "\java.exe /s /quiet /norestart" , "" , @SW_HIDE)
Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'javaw -jar ' & @TempDir & '\java.jar', "", @SW_HIDE)

What it does is, Downloads the "file.jar" and saves it to TempDir under java.jar name. Then it looks under Windows/System32 dir for java.exe file. If that file is not there it will download the java installer, save it to TempDir then run a CMD line to Run the installer. It waits untill the installer finishes then runs another CMD line that runs the .jar file.

I`m really noob when it comes to C++ so i would really appreciate any help.
Thanks allot for reading this.

You told us what a code snippet does. Now what? You want to recreate the behaviour in C++?
Yes i need the same behaviour in C/C++.
Sorry for my poor explanation.

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That's quite a lot of work.

And to hard code the values the whole thing inflexible, so you'd need to parameterise a whole lot of stuff.

And once you've done that, you'll have to run it against the configuration somehow.

And once it works, you'll need it to do just one more thing ...

It sounds like a command shell that uses wget to download a file that you'd call from C++.
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You don't need to write equivalent code in C++. Just use AutoIt DLL from your C++ application and use exactly the same AutoIt script.
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