Error libcurl compile

Hy guys.. Today i started to install all i need to work with curl... i followed all things from here..
but when i reached the 3.5 libcurl step and point 4 when i need compile the curl library ... this error is comming up:
cl : Command line error D8030 : INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR in ''
    Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
    Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
Creating browse information file...
Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
BSCMAKE: error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\axtls.sbr': No such file or directory
Build log was saved at "file://c:\curl\lib\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
libcurl - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I looked here , but my problem is not found in those 4 solutions ..

What can i do ?

Sorry for my english , if are there some mistakes.
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nobody knows ?
This isn't particular to do with the libcurl code.
It's the compiler throwing a fit because it cannot create the browse information.

In the project properites, under C++ -> Browse Infomation - see what it says for the browse directory.
take... it's anything wrong with this ?
Damn, I was hoping it was set to something else.

Try Selecting None for the Enable Browser Information - OK that, then try a Rebuild Solution from the Build menu and see if it goes through.
the same error.. this error is really making people mad :]]

without this , is there any chances to continue the configurations ?

I just need to work with curl
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Can't you just download the pre-built binaries [ the lib(s) and dll(s) ] and avoid all these compiling issues?
Can you give me a link please ?
And with the the pre-built binaries , what should i do with them ? I will need just to copy to VC++ ?
'internal compiler error' looks like very serious error related to your vs2008 instalation. can you compile other projects ?
modoran , yes i can..
I was looking at this site here:

As I haven't used Curl I might just download it all and try it out - but we are talking about
sometime during the next week.
Thanks.. When you'll finnish , please announce me if you have the same problem
don't know what i've done , and now it gives me only this error...
cl : Command line error D8030 : INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR in ''
    Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
    Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
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would be something that will help?
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I think is not helping me so much... that person hasn't the same problem..but thanks , i apreciate that you're trying to help me.

I still have this problem
cl : Command line error D8030 : INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR in ''
    Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
    Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
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guestgulkan .. have you done ? i am so impatient :d
I'm currently reading through the process, I sure they could have made this whole process much clearer to understad.
here is what I've done - OK _ you probably already taken some of these steps anyway.

I downloaded the source code (i used the zip file version) and unzipped it ( curl-7.21.4)

In that directory there is an MSVC project file called vc6curl.dsw
I opened that project file using MSVC2008 - note because the project file was made for VC6 thenVC2008 will ask you if you want it converted.
Say YES to the conversion.

After the conversion you will have 2 projects showing in the VC2008 solutions window (curlsrc and libcurl).

From the Build menu, select Batch Build...
You will see 8 builds listed in the display box (although if you use Vc2010 you might see 9 builds listed - in that cas ignore the one with Template in it's name)
Select them all for build and click the build button.

I just did that not more than 15 minutes ago and all 8 projects built with no problems.
(only a warning about conversion from type time_t to type long)

** For the record, which MSVC version are you using??**

I also downloaded the openssl library from this site here:
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