setting up SFML

Hi. You probably get this question a lot, but I can't find a definite answer via google.
I'm using codeblocks with MinGW.
I've downloaded the appropriate version of SFML from their site, along with the updated 4.4 MinGW version (or w/e).
I've followed the tutorial perfectly, and even tried fiddling around on my own, but every time I attempt to compile the sf::Clock test, I get the fatal error "sfml-system.dll not found".
Is there some ammendment to the tutorial on their site somewhere?

I've placed the include\SFML folder into my MinGW\include folder as it says.
I've placed the *.a files from the lib folder into my MinGW\lib folder as it says.
I've tried all versions of the linking from the tutorial, with all the alternative suffixes, I mean.

It simply doesn't want to work.

Any help would be appreciated.
open lib folder and
a) copy all (unless you know which ones you need) .dll files to wherever your compiled exe is
b) copy the dlls to system32
c) add the path to PATH system variable (google about it)
Ah, that seemed to work. Thank you very much :)
When the project is 'done' or you just want to share it, be sure to test on another machine, and either statically link to the libs or bundle the program with the DLLs.

Otherwise it won't work on the user's computer, just like it didn't work on yours =]
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