the next step after GUI programing?

Im not sure how to ask this but whats next after GUI programing? Ive recently learned how to use Winforms and WPF with c# but I still think theres more to learn than just GUI programing. I want to know how you go about building applications like, video editors, burning software, paint applications, web browsers, ftp and things like that. Isnt there some sort of library out there you use to make stuff like that? As always help is appreciated. Thanks.
I'll go in reverse order of the way my brain typically thinks, if the post sounds rambly and nonsensical, I should have been asleep hours ago.


There are lots and lots and lots and lots and lots (continue this in your mind) of
ideo editors, burning software, paint applications, web browsers, ftp and things like that.
It looks like you do indeed to look into external libraries. What do you want to do? What do you want to accomplish? Do you just want to copy the functionality of other people's programs? Or do you want to make something completely original?

(btw c# != c++)


For most of what you were talking about there is a specific protocol that you have to follow, and certain files you have to read, and certain bits you have to communicate with. If I were you I would expand into as many levels of multimedia as you can, then continue to abstract until you have enough of a malleable mind to work with something truly amazing. Then pick a project, stick with it, and profit!

On an entirely different note. You should look into neural networking =)
Whoah!! You want to do many things just like me before. You have to choose on what to focus, a web browser is difficult enough to develop in my opinion. Also this reminds me of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
I always get new idea's on what to work on next, which also means I never finished a project (except for 1 very simple one). If you just keep researching what you can do next, you'll get to understand some things like how to make certain applications. I have learned one thing from all this though, whole applications (like you just mentioned) take a long long time to finish, unless you are with a group of people. I currently working on a simple game. I'm learning how to use OpenGL and will use a lot more knowledge I have now from previous projects. But for most application idea's, I think I have a pretty good idea of how to accomplish that now.
Same with me. I learn a lot of random things, the goal now is to glue them together. I do admit that I'm not a monster coder yet since I don't code often.
Learn vector maths and create the first real time physics simulator wich allows you to use a slider to define the amount of dimensions it has! :D
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