Methods for Windows Form Application C++

Guys. Can Anyone tell me about methods used in Windows Form Application in C++/CLI and a simple example too.
Pls. send me tutorial links. too.
Im a newbie in C++.
Thank you.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
NB: I don't know about the quality of it but it dose seem popular.

Im a newbie in C++.
Do you have any other programming experience? If not, WinForms and C++/CLI is probably going to be jumping in at the (very) deep end.
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I have a background in C++ (console) but I've noticed that when I used WInForms . . it's quite different. Win32 is difficult for me too.
It's quite different because it's not C++. Of course GUI development in general is a bit different from console development, but C++/CLI is a completely different language (literally).

Win32 is a bit difficult for C++ developers because it's actually a C API, many parts are very counter intuitive and it's relatively low level on top.

wxWidgets, SFML, Qt etc are a bit easier to handle, but still require some experience (and some time figuring out how they work) until you can really use them.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Okay, by the sound if it you are not, necessarily, committed to the managed (.net) path?

Any if you do want to learn C++/CLI and the .net platform, I would probably recommend a book rather than a web tutorial, something like:
Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .Net 3.5 Platform
by Stephen R. G. Fraser

I have had a quick look at the tutorial site that I previously posted and it does look a bit of a mish mash and not a nice flowing site.
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