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* Function......: CreateShortcut
* Parameters....: lpszFileName - string that specifies a valid file name
* lpszDesc - string that specifies a description for a
* lpszShortcutPath - string that specifies a path and
file name of a shortcut
* Returns.......: S_OK on success, error code on failure
* Description...: Creates a Shell link object (shortcut)
HRESULT CreateShortcut(/*in*/ LPCTSTR lpszFileName,
/*in*/ LPCTSTR lpszDesc,
/*in*/ LPCTSTR lpszShortcutPath,
/*in*/ LPCTSTR lpszArguments,
/*in*/ int iShowCmd
DWORD dwRet = 0;
ATL::CComPtr<IShellLink> ipShellLink;
// buffer that receives the null-terminated string
// for the drive and path
// buffer that receives the address of the final
//file name component in the path
LPTSTR lpszFilePart;
// Retrieve the full path and file name of a specified file
dwRet = GetFullPathName(lpszFileName,
sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR),
szPath, &lpszFilePart);
if (!dwRet)
return hRes;
// Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface
hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink,
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
// Get a pointer to the IPersistFile interface
CComQIPtr<IPersistFile> ipPersistFile(ipShellLink);
// Set the path to the shortcut target and add the description
hRes = ipShellLink->SetPath(szPath);
if (FAILED(hRes))
return hRes;
hRes = ipShellLink->SetDescription(lpszDesc);
if (FAILED(hRes)){
return hRes;
hRes = ipShellLink->SetArguments(lpszArguments);
if (FAILED(hRes)){
return hRes;
hRes = ipShellLink->SetShowCmd(iShowCmd);
if (FAILED(hRes)){
return hRes;
// IPersistFile is using LPCOLESTR, so make sure
// that the string is Unicode
#if !defined _UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,
lpszShortcutPath, -1, wszTemp, MAX_PATH);
wcsncpy_s(wszTemp, lpszShortcutPath, MAX_PATH);
// Write the shortcut to disk
hRes = ipPersistFile->Save(wszTemp, TRUE);
return hRes;