Need help w/ an app.... SAPI 4 speech -> wav fl.

Hello everybody! I'm new to C++, the reason why I want to learn it is because I want to do something special I saw done in VC++ 4.

I downloaded Microsoft Speech SDK 4.0, why? because it had compatability with SAPI 4 voices, such as L & H free ones in different languages! It has an sample app called: Audio Destination File (DestFile.exe) That lets you pick one of the old free L & H SAPI 4 voices, and read some text to a wav file. It's beautiful! What I want to do is make something very very similar, where it lets you pick one of the L&H free SAPI 4 voices, reads a text file line by line, and spits out the wav files, sequentially numbered.

Any tips or pointers welcome!


P.S. If I could tweak the VC++ 4.0 files to make them work in VC++ 10, and then add the text file support, that would be great! These are the names of the source files:

demo.cpp CPP File 11 KB 1/12/1999 10:57:40 AM
demo.rc RC File 4 KB 1/12/1999 10:57:40 AM
destfile.dsp DSP File 7 KB 1/12/1999 10:57:40 AM
destfile.mak MAK File 10 KB 1/12/1999 11:36:48 AM
icon1.ico Icon 766 B 1/12/1999 10:57:40 AM
resource.h H File 1,002 B 1/12/1999 10:57:40
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