Visual Studio 2010 or C++ Builder XE


I am new to Windows Programming and i intend to get an IDE and i am thinking about "Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate" or "C++ Builder XE". but i can't decide which one i use. I tried to search about it in the web but no luck so here i am putting it here.

So which is better "Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate" or "C++ Builder XE"?
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Try them both.

Microsoft has trial versions of Visual Studio 2010 and Embarcadero has trial version
of XE
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
I'd just like to throw in here that VS2010 does not support intellisense with C++/CLI. (Which is a deal-breaker for many).
"I'd just like to throw in here that VS2010 does not support intellisense with C++/CLI. (Which is a deal-breaker for many)."

Wrong, I'm using VS2010 c++ Express and it has intellisense. The express version is fine. The only thing they're missing is creating resources, but you can just download ResEdit for that and just load it onto your project.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)

VS2010 supports intellisense for C++. VS2010 does not support intellisense for C++/CLI. (which are completely different, albeit interoperable, languages) Switch to CLI safe or CLI pure mode to confirm for yourself.
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Thanks guys for replying

I did download both of them like "guestgulkan" said, and i am trying both now.

As i said before i am beginner so i was looking for the experts opinions.

so if there anyone has something put it here.

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