windows forms element?


This is not a homework question and it is not in the tutorials. I wish to find an answer on this issue and I can't find it anywhere. How easy is it to get the value from a WINDOWS TEXTBOX CONTROL? How to assign the value of "textbox.text" to a string or any other container? (Using visual c++ I'm trying to write code in order to get the value entered in a window app with a button event handler and assign it to a array to use it with string functions) How easy and how feasible is it to do that?

Using MFC, CLR or Win32? Either way, this is where you should go take a look:
Using Win32. I have already looked on MSDN but the content is too vague; I limit myself to try to get the user character imput; I would like to specify the mouseclick event handler but this is daunting to find the proper syntax. That event handler for the button control 'Button1' has the following template syntax in Visual Studio 2008: Void Button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
Could anyone tell me what are the the parameters that need to be written for the value of Textbox1 to be assigned to a string like 'strinput1' ?

Many thanks.

I am pretty sure this is CLR. And sorry, I don't know anything about CLR, I am no big friend of .NET and in particular not of the managed extensions of C++.
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I thought 75% of programs written in c++ were made for windows???
Even that section has it in c# and VB but not in c++;
C++/CLI (what you have there) is not quite the same thing as C++. Also, where did you get that figure from?
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I forgot the proportion of statistics that were made up on the spot. I think it was 0.47...

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