
Alright, so I've been doing some async socket programming with select() and it's been working quite well. However it's only scalable up to 1024 clients, and I plan (hope) for more than that. I've read about poll() being the way to get rid of that limitation, and I know it works on both linux and unix. But it doesn't work with a windows system correct?

I read about WsaPoll(), does it have the exact same functionality? What libraries would I have to link to in order to use it?

Can I increase the socket number safely in windows with FD_SETSIZE? My end result will be a linux server. However I am testing on a windows system right now. Should I just swap my test machine over to a linux box? (probably going to anyway)
Otherwise what would you recommend to use with windows?
Well I asked over at StackOverflow, aand I was informed that the windows WSASelect function is pretty scalable. It doesn't really matter, I'm just going to flip over to slax or ubuntu.
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