So I'm making my own version of Conway's Game of Life. I want to display the game ASCII style probably and I prefer using Console Application. But I'm planning on making it into a screensaver later. So I'm wondering what library I should use to display the game?
You're making the same mistake I made.
Console applications aren't made to handle games. Console isn't a screen, where you can draw pixels and stuff. All you can do is write text.
I recommend you to learn how to create Win32 Api's and how to use OpenGL.
Sorry to ask this as its probably a fairly stupid and overasked question. However, I really need an answer so here goes.
Albatross, do you have any particular reason for choosing SFML over SDL, since I am teetering on the brink between the two and could really do with a nudge one way or the other ;)
(I will be using OpenGL for drawing mainly so the speed differences related to inbuilt drawing don't matter.)
Again, forgive me if this is a stupid and ultimately unanswerable question...
A reason I tend to recommend SFML over SDL for C++ programmers is that ultimately SDL is a C library. Sure, you can use C in C++, but as I'm a little bit overfond of saying, the philosophies are different. If I have a C++ alternative to a library in C, I'll generally take it.
Another point is that SDL is an easy library, but for (at least) me SFML is even easier to understand. Maybe it's a result of how my head works (My head works?! Call the tabloids!), but I haven't come across a hard-to-understand SFML program yet.
I was tending towards SFML anyway. I was just concerned that it's less well known. I definitely agree that SFML is easy - I sometimes found it almost too easy - as if I were using .NET again (those dark days are long behind me ;) ) But I think I'll just take the plunge and try it.