GMP 5.0.1

hi there,
is there anyone who has got some experiences with gmp 5.0.1 or other release and would be willing to answer my dumb question ?
Thank you
closed account (z05DSL3A)
There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.

Ask away, someone will probably answer it.
GMP is not *officially* supported under windows, why do you want to use it in windows platform ?
Use MPIR instead.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
GMP is not *officially* supported under windows, why do you want to use it in windows platform ?

That would probably be my fault, I said this in another posting:
I would look into Arbitrary-precision arithmetic (AKA bignum arithmetic).

Something like:

The question is, what is he trying to do that would require arbitrary precision?
yep Grey Wolf, thats where I got the idea from :-) Appreciate your help anyway.
and yes I want to see how far I can get. I wanna experiment a bit with bignum up to a 100,000,000 digits is there any chance that MPIR would be up for a job ???
and thank you all for your anwers
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Probably. Most big num libs restrict you mainly on the amount of memory your system offers, and on the resources required to perform operations on such numbers.
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