System.dll - Clarification Question inside.

Hello all,

I am trying to play around with the CLR which has all these nifty tools within the System class.

My only problem is I cant seem to properly #include the System.dll to use the namespace.

I have looked all over the internet and have not found a clear and concise answer as to why enabling CLR from your Project Properties in MS-VS 2010 does not fix this problem.

So what is it that I am asking for? I am asking for clarification on HOW to properly include the System.dll so I can start using the System class.

Thanks in advance for all the help.
You can't "include" a dll because #include is a preprocessor directive that puts the content of a specified textfile at that point. DLL's are object files, not text files.

I am not aware of there being a "System" class btw. Besides: Using CLR means you will have to program in C++/CLI, don't expect too much support for that here. I can't speak for anyone here, but I am pretty sure most of us use C++ to create native applications.
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