Is it possible to use CreateWindowEx using a .rc resource?

I're read everywhere but can't find the answer.

I know that I can create resources to add in the executable file, using .rc files compiled in .res objects and embedded as binary data in the .exe file.
I use VC++ Express and I can easily edit resources using ResEdit.
I know that the functions who create DialogBoxes call CreateWindowEx, and that they use a RESOURCE created with the .rc file.

But, I can't find nowhere an explaination why can't I create a window using a resource created with the .rc file.

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A Dialog is created from a template. This template can be built in memory, but it's traditionally loaded from the applications resource file. This was particularly handy when they were first introduced because the resources of a compiled application could be edited. You can no longer do that. The dialog template predefines certain characteristics of the dialog and the Platform SDK treats dialogs specially.

You can't treat normal Windows in this way. You have to create them manually, although you can load certain resources into them.
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