New to windows programming

Hello all,

I am new to windows programming. Please let me know how to start with. I am trying to learn through MSDN's site, but things are very confusing. Please help me.

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Now, what exactly do you mean by "Windows programming"? What is your goal?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Also, MSDN site is rather large, how are you trying to learn from it? I would recommend starting with the tutorial: Learn to Program for Windows in C++
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Even then, they expect you to have considerable knowledge about C++. If you don't, I suggest you familiarize yourself with C/++ before anything else.
The title of that msdn article is pretty misleading, considering they teach you how to do it in C. Of course the code is compatible with C++, but it's the C interface they are showing there.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
hanst99 wrote:
The title of that msdn article is pretty misleading, considering they teach you how to do it in C. Of course the code is compatible with C++, but it's the C interface they are showing there.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
What I mean is, they could have named the section "Learn to Program for Windows in C" and it wouldn't really have made any difference.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I just find it amusing/disturbing that when something is written in a procedural paradigm and compiled and linked with a C++ tool chain it gets 'labeled' as C, as if the code needs Object oriented with classes and/or STL to be considered C++.
Well, that's because except for object orientation and templates, the difference between C and C++ is rather subtle.
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