Problem with DEV c++

What happens is that I write a program, and click the "compile + execute" button. A menu pops up saying it is currently compiling the program I just wrote. It says it's successful but then opens another .exe program that I wrote in the past. I've tried closing and opening the compiler, restarted the computer, etc. Anyone run into this problem before or know how to fix it?

(I'm running DEV version and my computer is running windows 98. It has also happened on XP)

Timmah \m/
blah, wish I knew this

what would you recommend I use and why?
I use Code::Blocks cause I keep switching between Win7 and Ubuntu and don't feel like using two completely different IDE's. If you are using windows only, Visual C++ is the best (or so I have heard), and programmers notepad is good if you only need a good text editor with syntax highlighting and stuff.
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If what you're looking for is something like Programmer's Notepad then what you should really be using is Sublime Text.
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Well, just that this
Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use.
is a drawback for many.
It says that, but all that happens is that about every 30-40 file saves, a message pops up reminding you that you have a trial version. It still functions perfectly though :-)
I am pretty sure it also means that you aren't allowed to use it commercially.
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