Sudden error compiling program in VC++ 2010 Express

I've decided to do something else than Perl for once and been studying C++ for quite a while now.
After learning a bit of the basics I starting looking into the OpenGL library to use in a simple school project.
This project worked fine, but I started it again a few days later and I got a message saying there were some documentation errors during the last compile session (?) although it compiled perfectly fine at the time.
Of course I understand the basics of what I'm using, but I haven't mastered C++ and more specifically Windows Forms in the least.
Of course I will look into this but the project is quite urgent at the moment and the compiler failing on me is frustrating.
Here is the output of the compiler when I try to compile it now (I've majorly adjusted a demo file to suit my needs):

Thanks in advance.
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You're missing a semicolon.
1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\yvals.h(535): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'namespace'

That can cause so many errors?

I'm not even including 'yvals.h' as far as I know.
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It would help if you'd just show me the source code. But yes, it can easily cause that many errors. Forgetting semicolons at the end of namespace, struct or class declarations can cause a chain of errors easily.
I'm suprised because I haven't really touched it without testing it.


It has an overusage of libraries and some random things I tried out, don't mind them as I will clear this up.

Tell me if you need anything else.
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I can't believe I missed this:

if ( index == 3 ) {

Thanks for your help.
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