How to create Multi-Language Apps?

Okay, fist some basic information

Program I use: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
Project I want make: A simple program that have 6 languages, and the language can be changed by simple press a menu item.


I have 6 resx files: - Arabic language - German language
Form1.en-US.resx - English language
and so on...


Here is the main Form, in default language (Form1.resx = default language)

Here is the selection menu of the main form

Here is the project browser
You can see some resx files here, that i want load/apply to the program


I have tried this

it does't work!

I need more help with this.
How to create multi-language apps, by using resx files???

Also i want load a language, at program start-up, for example: OS default language, but better is load a resx file, sample codes for all 2 methods would be fine :-)

i have dll files after compiling, i know that!

PS: SRY for my bad english, i am german guy!
AND I'M A NOOB in programming!
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