Printing a passage into a window.

closed account (2A9hAqkS)
Hello all,

Im trying to find the most efficient way to print text from a file to the window.

The program I am writing is a bible reader and the user will select the book they wish to read and then the chapter, at which point id like to print the entire chapter into the window.

What is the most efficient way in C++ to go about doing this without using any fancy libraries?

Thanks in advance!
You'll have to learn how to do Windows Api coding, then use TextOut() or DrawText() to output the lines to your window. Even more important than that though is the use of scroll bars. Also, you'll need to give the user an 'Open File' dialog box with which to choose the file to open. In short, you need to learn how to do 'Windows Programming'.

Here is a link that might be useful...

Also, on the 2nd page of this link is a program that does exactly what you are asking, i.e., it reads data from a file and displays it in a scrollable window. The file it reads in and displays is its source code file, I believe Main.cpp....
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closed account (2A9hAqkS)
Thanks so MUCH!
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