CL environment variable

Hi at all,

I downloaded Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition because I have to use a Model Checker. The Model Checker is 3 files .exe contained in a zip-file. The instruction to install the Model Checker are:

"Unzip the archive before running. You will need CL (comes with Microsoft Visual Studio) in your PATH for preprocessing. The free Visual C++ 2010 Express is sufficient."

What does it mean "You will need CL in your path for prepocessing? What must I do?

Thank in advance


P.S. My OS is Windows 7
cl is the Microsoft Compiler/Linker for C and C++ code. When Visual Studio (any edition) or the Microsoft Platform SDK is installed, there will be a \bin sub directory somewhere in the installation which will include cl.exe as well as many other files in the 'compiler tool chain'. Generally this directory is included in your computer's environment PATH. If not, yu can include it there in various ways so that if cl is executed from a command line from any directory your computer will be able to locate it and won't issue a file not found error message.
If you installed to the default path, open a cmd shell and run this (or something similar).
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"

That will set up the path for that shell to use VS2010. You'll need to run your Model Checker thing from that shell.
You just open "Visual Studio Command Prompt" from start menu or from visual studio IDE under Tools menu.
I seted up the path with command

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"

Then I opened VS->Tools->Command Prompt of VS.
I went in the folder contains the exe of Model Checker and I tried to run.
I have the following error:

fatal error C1083: Impossible open the source file...

This error is caused because I didn't run it as administrator.

How do I get such privileges from shell? I already tried to set them with right click on the executable in the folder.
Run cmd.exe as Administrator, then run vcvars32.bat and then navigate to your solution folder.
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