I have earlier posted about having problem with the MCI libary and I got it to work. But because my computer's hard disk broke I can't look in my old files.
So I need help once again (sorry) :(
Here is my code for loading and playing the song I choose from the filedialog:
File path (read from debug): "D:\Dokumenter\Musik\Electro House Collection 37\Addy van der Zwan & Koen Groeneveld & Rehab - Fastevil (Franky Rizardo Remix).mp3"
Command string (read from debug): "open "D:\Dokumenter\Musik\Electro House Collection 37\Addy van der Zwan & Koen Groeneveld & Rehab - Fastevil (Franky Rizardo Remix).mp3" type mpegvideo alias musicfile"