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// Main.cpp ; 2/7/2011
// By: Rafael Perez-Santana
/* This program opens a file and allows you to scroll up and down. Side
scrolling is also supported if the file width is larger than the window
view. Only a vertical scroll bar is implemented; click the arrows or drag
the thumb track to scroll text on-demmand.
The following lines of text are from the Win32/API, I inserted them here because
they will be bigger than the window view width, causing this application to activate
side scrolling to demonstrate this functionality.
Note that the WM_VSCROLL message carries only 16 bits of scroll box position data. Thus, applications
that rely solely on WM_VSCROLL (and WM_HSCROLL) for scroll position data have a practical maximum
position value of 65,535.
However, because the SetScrollPos, SetScrollRange, GetScrollPos, and GetScrollRange functions support
32-bit scroll bar position data, there is a way to circumvent the 16-bit barrier of the WM_HSCROLL
and WM_VSCROLL messages. See GetScrollPos for a description of the technique and its limits.
I implemented code that will draw a "»" to the line that exceeds the window view
width, neat little feature I believe. I didn't wanted to implement a horizontal
scroll bar. I don't know if its just me but they look ugly.
To keep this example less complicated than it already is, I did not opt
to implement a open file dialog box, to open the file you want, scroll
down until you see WM_CREATE: and look for
const char*FileName="Main.cpp"; // The file to open.
Change "Main.cpp" to the file you want to open, for example, if you wanted
to open a file called readme.txt, replace "Main.cpp" with "readme.txt". If
the file is not in the current directory you can use slashes the following
way; "c:/somefolder/documents/sales.txt" do not use "\" C++ reserves that
for special uses such as \n \a or \r the compiler will simply get confused
so use "/" instead.
You can open just about any file with this thing, even garbage files. Be
warned, it does not check to see if you have exceeded system memory when
loading a file, so you may get a run-time error if memory gets maxed out.
Also, some files may not side scroll correctly since I didn't invest much
time to debug this feature.
This is intended to serve as a learning/tutorial experience for those
learning windows programming, how to load files, how to create scrollbars,
etc. Enjoy!
// RANDOM: I looked at my code and comments, then realized that I may be
// a perfectionist?! I wonder if thats a good thing or a bad thing. O_o
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
// Namespaces to use.
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::ifstream;
// Structure for scrolling the file data.
UINT Offset_X; // Horizontal array offset.
UINT Offset_Y; // Vertical array offset.
UINT Width; // Number of columns to display.
UINT Height; // Number of rows to display.
UINT FileWidth; // Largest string found.
UINT FileLength; // Total number of lines in file.
COLORREF Background; // Viewport background.
COLORREF Foreground; // Viewport foreground.
vector<string>Text; // File data is stored here.
// Declare function proto-types.
void TxtOut(HDC,int,int,LPCSTR,COLORREF);
// Program entry point.
// Note: Anyone care to explain how this WinMain function works with no
// variables specified for the 2nd,3rd & 4th parameters? I didn't need them
// for this program but how in the world does the compiler allow this?
WNDCLASSEX WinClassEx; // Data structure for the window class.
// Window structure.
WinClassEx.lpfnWndProc=WinProc; // Pointer to window procedure.
WinClassEx.cbWndExtra=4; // Extra bytes for pView pointer.
{ // If there was a failure, alert the user.
MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to register window class.","Error",MB_ICONERROR);
return 0; // Quit program.
// Now we specify width and height of window.
UINT iWidth=800,iHeight=600,iWinX=0,iWinY=0; // iWinX & iWinY are 0 for now.
// Create the application window.
HWND hWnd=CreateWindowEx
(0, // Extended window style.
WinClassEx.lpszClassName, // Window class name.
NULL, // I will set during WM_CREATE.
WS_EX_LAYERED, // Look it up, sorry.
iWinX,iWinY, // Window position.
iWidth,iHeight, // Window dimensions.
HWND_DESKTOP, // Window is a child-window to desktop.
NULL, // No menu for this one.
WinClassEx.hInstance, // Application instance.
NULL); // No window creation data.
{ // If there was a failure, alert the user.
MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create window.","Error",MB_ICONERROR);
return 0; // Quit program.
// Adjust size of the window client area, we want exact width & height.
RECT rect;GetClientRect(hWnd,&rect); // Get our client area dimensions.
iWidth+=(iWidth-rect.right);iHeight+=(iHeight-rect.bottom); // Add the difference.
// Also center the window in the desktop area.
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rect,0); // Get desktop minus taskbar area.
iWinX=(rect.right-iWidth)/2;iWinY=(rect.bottom-iHeight)/2; // Calculate center.
// Update window position and size.
ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL); // Display the window.
MSG Msg; // Save window messages here.
// Start the message pump.
while(GetMessage(&Msg,NULL,0,0)) // Get it.
TranslateMessage(&Msg); // Translate it.
DispatchMessage(&Msg); // Pump it.
return 0; // End.