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// d3dOnCreate.cpp ; 1/31/2011
// Rafael P. Santana (C) 2011
// MyDirect3D Framework.
#include "MyDirect3D.h"
// Definition for Flexible Vertex Format (FVF).
// This is where your Direct3D objects are initialized.
InitViewport(); // setup the viewport.
// Create the vertex data for the Piramid.
CUSTOMVERTEX PiramidVertices[]=
// The Piramid will have yellow triangles.
{-2.0f,-2.0f, 0.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,255,255,0)}, // 0
{ 0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,255,255,0)}, // 1
{ 2.0f,-2.0f, 0.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,255,255,0)}, // 2
{ 0.0f,-2.0f,-2.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,255,255,0)}, // 3
{ 0.0f,-2.0f, 2.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,255,255,0)}, // 4
// Since I am drawing an indexed primitive, I only define the
// vertices I need. I only need 5 for the piramid. Also, I will
// not be rendering the bottom of the piramid, since we cannot
// see it anyway.
// Create the Piramid vertex buffer.
D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX, // see the #define at top!
// Now that we have our vertices for the piramid and have created the
// vertex buffer for it. I can copy the data to it, the data I will copy
// are the vertices I defined (PiramidVertices) and some data that tells
// Direct3D the vertex format and how to manage the memory for the buffer.
void*pVertices; // void Pointer, more on this later.
PiramidVertexBuffer->Lock(0,0,&pVertices,0); // Lock the vertex buffer.
// Copy the vertices to the vertex buffer.
PiramidVertexBuffer->Unlock(); // Unlock the vertex buffer.
// When I lock the vertex buffer, I tell Direct3D 'where' to store the data for
// the vertex buffer which, happens to be at the address of the void pointer.
// The memcpy() function is a standard C function; the first parameter is the
// destination, the second is the source, followed by the size in bytes of data.
// After the operation is complete, I unlock the vertex buffer.
// Create Piramid index data.
WORD PiramidIndexData[]=
0,1,3, // Triangle 1
3,1,2, // Triangle 2
2,1,4, // Triangle 3
4,1,0, // Triangle 4
// The index buffer is used to draw the faces of the piramid I am creating.
// The data is the x,y,z location of a vertex, I just combine the data together
// to create the required triangles for the Piramid.
// Create the Piramid index buffer.
D3DFMT_INDEX16, // WORD is 16bit; WORD PiramidIndexData[]
// Same as before but now for the index buffer. Also, CreateIndexBuffer()
// appears to be similar to CreateVertexBuffer() they are not!
void*pIndex; // Prepare to copy Piramid index data.
PiramidIndexBuffer->Lock(0,0,&pIndex,0); // Lock the index buffer.
// Copy data to index buffer.
PiramidIndexBuffer->Unlock(); // Unlock the index buffer.
// Since I am drawing an indexed primitive, I have to tell Direct3D
// where to find the index data. I use SetIndices() for this task.
pd3dDevice->SetIndices(PiramidIndexBuffer); // Set index buffer to use.
// Next, I tell Direct3D where to find the vertices for my Piramid and
// I also setup the Flexible Vertex Format for the shader. See #define.
// Setup the stream source for Direct3D.
pd3dDevice->SetFVF(D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX); // Configure the vertex shader.
// Setup render state settings.
pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false);
// When I set the render state settings. I turned lighting off for this
// presentation, disabled culling so all the faces of the piramid are
// visible and set the fill mode to wireframe so the triangles of the
// piramid can be seen.
rotAngle=0.0f; // Rotation angle.
rotSpeed=0.001f; // Rotation speed rate.
return S_OK; // all OK.