2-Dimensional Array issue

I'm attempting to build a program to solve a http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=11 Project Euler problem using a 2-dimensional array. I've looked over some of the posts about multidimensional arrays here for help, however, I have run into an error which is somehow causing my program to crash. Here is what I have so far - just filling the 2D array:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int n = 0;
    int grid[20][20];
//Number Grid - Visual/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    int list[400] =                                                                      //
    {                                                                                    //
        8, 02, 22, 97, 38, 15, 00, 40, 00, 75, 04, 05, 07, 78, 52, 12, 50, 77, 91, 8,    //
        49, 49, 99, 40, 17, 81, 18, 57, 60, 87, 17, 40, 98, 43, 69, 48, 04, 56, 62, 00,  //
        81, 49, 31, 73, 55, 79, 14, 29, 93, 71, 40, 67, 53, 88, 30, 03, 49, 13, 36, 65,  //
        52, 70, 95, 23, 04, 60, 11, 42, 69, 24, 68, 56, 01, 32, 56, 71, 37, 02, 36, 91,  //
        22, 31, 16, 71, 51, 67, 63, 89, 41, 92, 36, 54, 22, 40, 40, 28, 66, 33, 13, 80,  //
        24, 47, 32, 60, 99, 03, 45, 02, 44, 75, 33, 53, 78, 36, 84, 20, 35, 17, 12, 50,
        32, 98, 81, 28, 64, 23, 67, 10, 26, 38, 40, 67, 59, 54, 70, 66, 18, 38, 64, 70,
        67, 26, 20, 68, 02, 62, 12, 20, 95, 63, 94, 39, 63, 8, 40, 91, 66, 49, 94, 21,
        24, 55, 58, 05, 66, 73, 99, 26, 97, 17, 78, 78, 96, 83, 14, 88, 34, 89, 63, 72,
        21, 36, 23, 9, 75, 00, 76, 44, 20, 45, 35, 14, 00, 61, 33, 97, 34, 31, 33, 95,
        78, 17, 53, 28, 22, 75, 31, 67, 15, 94, 03, 80, 04, 62, 16, 14, 9, 53, 56, 92,
        16, 39, 05, 42, 96, 35, 31, 47, 55, 58, 88, 24, 00, 17, 54, 24, 36, 29, 85, 57,
        86, 56, 00, 48, 35, 71, 89, 07, 05, 44, 44, 37, 44, 60, 21, 58, 51, 54, 17, 58,
        19, 80, 81, 68, 05, 94, 47, 69, 28, 73, 92, 13, 86, 52, 17, 77, 04, 89, 55, 40,
        04, 52, 8, 83, 97, 35, 99, 16, 07, 97, 57, 32, 16, 26, 26, 79, 33, 27, 98, 66,
        88, 36, 68, 87, 57, 62, 20, 72, 03, 46, 33, 67, 46, 55, 12, 32, 63, 93, 53, 69,
        04, 42, 16, 73, 38, 25, 39, 11, 24, 94, 72, 18, 8, 46, 29, 32, 40, 62, 76, 36,
        20, 69, 36, 41, 72, 30, 23, 88, 34, 62, 99, 69, 82, 67, 59, 85, 74, 04, 36, 16,
        20, 73, 35, 29, 78, 31, 90, 01, 74, 31, 49, 71, 48, 86, 81, 16, 23, 57, 05, 54,
        01, 70, 54, 71, 83, 51, 54, 69, 16, 92, 33, 48, 61, 43, 52, 01, 89, 19, 67, 48

    //Fill the Grid using the number list
    for (int county = 1; county <= 20; county++)
        for (int countx = 1; countx <= 20; countx++)
            grid[countx][county] = list[n];
            cout << grid[countx][county] << ", ";
    return 0;

And here is the output after it crashes:

8, 2, 22, 97, 38, 15, 0, 40, 0, 75, 4, 5, 7, 78, 52, 12, 50, 77, 91, 8, 49, 49,
99, 40, 17, 81, 18, 57, 60, 87, 17, 40, 98, 43, 69, 48, 4, 56, 62, 0, 81, 49, 31
, 73, 55, 79, 14, 29, 93, 71, 40, 67, 53, 88, 30, 3, 49, 13, 36, 65, 11, 42, 69,
 24, 68, 56, 1, 32, 56, 71, 37, 2, 36, 91, 22, 31, 16, 71, 51, 67, 63, 89, 41, 9
2, 36, 54, 22, 40, 40, 28, 66, 33, 13, 80, 24, 47, 32, 60, 99, 3, 45, 2, 44, 75,
 33, 53, 78, 36, 84, 20, 35, 17, 12, 50, 32, 98, 81, 28, 64, 23, 67, 10, 26, 38,
 40, 67, 59, 54, 70, 66, 18, 38, 64, 70, 67, 26, 20, 68, 2, 62, 12, 20, 95, 63,
94, 39, 63, 8, 40, 91, 66, 49, 94, 21, 24, 55, 58, 5, 66, 73, 99, 26, 97, 17, 78
, 78, 96, 83, 14, 88, 34, 89, 63, 72, 21, 36, 23, 9, 75, 0, 76, 44, 20, 45, 35,
14, 0, 61, 33, 97, 34, 31, 33, 95, 78, 17, 53, 28, 22, 75, 31, 67, 15, 94, 3, 80
, 4, 62, 16, 14, 9, 53, 56, 92, 16, 39, 5, 42, 96, 35, 31, 47, 55, 58, 88, 24, 0
, 17, 54, 24, 36, 29, 85, 57, 86, 56, 0, 48, 35, 71, 89, 7, 5, 44, 44, 37, 44, 6
0, 21, 58, 51, 54, 17, 58, 19, 80, 81, 68, 5, 94, 47, 69, 28, 73, 92, 13, 86, 52
, 17, 77, 4, 89, 55, 40, 4, 52, 8, 83, 97, 35, 99, 16, 7, 97, 57, 32, 16, 26, 26
, 79, 33, 27, 98, 66, 88, 36, 68, 87, 57, 62, 20, 72, 3, 46, 33, 67, 46, 55, 12,
 32, 63, 93, 53, 69, 4, 42, 16, 73, 38, 25, 39, 11, 24, 94, 72, 18, 8, 46, 29, 3
2, 40, 62, 76, 36, 20, 69, 36, 41, 72, 30, 23, 88, 34, 62, 99, 69, 82, 67, 59, 8
5, 74, 4, 36, 16, 20, 73, 35, 29, 78, 31, 90, 1, 74, 31, 49, 71, 48, 86, 81, 16,
 23, 57, 5, 54, 1, 70, 54, 71, 83, 51, 54, 69, 16, 92, 33, 48, 61, 43, 52, 1, 89
, 19, 67, 48, 2009156344, -1, 2009399844, 2292024, 2009308538, 2009141916,
Process returned -1073740972 (0xC0000354)   execution time : 1.703 s
Press any key to continue.

The array fills correctly all the way up until the last few massive numbers, which I don't have a clue where they originated.
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//here is the answer to your problem, works in DEV C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int n = 0;
int grid[20][20];
//Number Grid - Visual/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int list[400] = //
{ //
8, 02, 22, 97, 38, 15, 00, 40, 00, 75, 04, 05, 07, 78, 52, 12, 50, 77, 91, 8, //
49, 49, 99, 40, 17, 81, 18, 57, 60, 87, 17, 40, 98, 43, 69, 48, 04, 56, 62, 00, //
81, 49, 31, 73, 55, 79, 14, 29, 93, 71, 40, 67, 53, 88, 30, 03, 49, 13, 36, 65, //
52, 70, 95, 23, 04, 60, 11, 42, 69, 24, 68, 56, 01, 32, 56, 71, 37, 02, 36, 91, //
22, 31, 16, 71, 51, 67, 63, 89, 41, 92, 36, 54, 22, 40, 40, 28, 66, 33, 13, 80, //
24, 47, 32, 60, 99, 03, 45, 02, 44, 75, 33, 53, 78, 36, 84, 20, 35, 17, 12, 50,
32, 98, 81, 28, 64, 23, 67, 10, 26, 38, 40, 67, 59, 54, 70, 66, 18, 38, 64, 70,
67, 26, 20, 68, 02, 62, 12, 20, 95, 63, 94, 39, 63, 8, 40, 91, 66, 49, 94, 21,
24, 55, 58, 05, 66, 73, 99, 26, 97, 17, 78, 78, 96, 83, 14, 88, 34, 89, 63, 72,
21, 36, 23, 9, 75, 00, 76, 44, 20, 45, 35, 14, 00, 61, 33, 97, 34, 31, 33, 95,
78, 17, 53, 28, 22, 75, 31, 67, 15, 94, 03, 80, 04, 62, 16, 14, 9, 53, 56, 92,
16, 39, 05, 42, 96, 35, 31, 47, 55, 58, 88, 24, 00, 17, 54, 24, 36, 29, 85, 57,
86, 56, 00, 48, 35, 71, 89, 07, 05, 44, 44, 37, 44, 60, 21, 58, 51, 54, 17, 58,
19, 80, 81, 68, 05, 94, 47, 69, 28, 73, 92, 13, 86, 52, 17, 77, 04, 89, 55, 40,
04, 52, 8, 83, 97, 35, 99, 16, 07, 97, 57, 32, 16, 26, 26, 79, 33, 27, 98, 66,
88, 36, 68, 87, 57, 62, 20, 72, 03, 46, 33, 67, 46, 55, 12, 32, 63, 93, 53, 69,
04, 42, 16, 73, 38, 25, 39, 11, 24, 94, 72, 18, 8, 46, 29, 32, 40, 62, 76, 36,
20, 69, 36, 41, 72, 30, 23, 88, 34, 62, 99, 69, 82, 67, 59, 85, 74, 04, 36, 16,
20, 73, 35, 29, 78, 31, 90, 01, 74, 31, 49, 71, 48, 86, 81, 16, 23, 57, 05, 54,
01, 70, 54, 71, 83, 51, 54, 69, 16, 92, 33, 48, 61, 43, 52, 01, 89, 19, 67, 48

//Fill the Grid using the number list
for (int county = 0; county < 20; county++)
for (int countx = 0; countx < 20; countx++)
grid[countx][county] = list[n];
cout << grid[countx][county] << ", ";
system ("pause");
return 0;
Removing the '<=' and replacing it with '<' only fills a 19x19 grid instead of a 20x20. However, because I am starting at 1 instead of at 0 to fill the grid, there were not enough cells because my array was only set for sizes of 20.

for (int county = 0; county <= 19; county++) //Change the count to 0, and the limit to 19
    for (int countx = 0; countx <= 19; countx++)//Change the count to 0, and the limit to 19
        grid[countx][county] = list[n];
        cout << grid[countx][county] << ", ";

I assume this is because there was no room for the null operator at the end of the array, and the program didn't like that.
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aleks is right Rawberry. You declared a 20x20 array. Arrays start with the index 0 and end with the index n-1 in C++. Your program crashed because you tried to access values that were out of range, the weird numbers are values that couldn't be intialized anymore before it crashed.
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Aleks' solution filled the 2d array wrong, however, his post led me to figure out the right solution. Thanks for the clarification on the array indexing though.
Just a little tip: prefer using < DIM rather than <= DIM-1 so that the definition of the array and the dimension in the loop correspond.
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