Using Dev C++ with Turbo C++ compiler

Hi all,

Could I use Dev C++ with the compiler of Turbo C++? Please tell me how to set it up.

Thanks in advance
The question is: Why do you want to use an ancient compiler in a very old IDE?
Because gcc makes really big .exe files, and it doesnt handle the old graphics.lib
Depends how you link libraries. And if a library is very old you should think of getting a newer one.
Especially if you are not programming for DOS...
I just want to compile a program that can run in DOS mode.
Then you can't use Dev C++ since it's not for DOS

Because gcc makes really big .exe files, and it doesnt handle the old graphics.lib

Nope. As Bazzy said, it depends what you are linking with. If you compile with C++ but use C I/O, you can create an exe as small as 5 - 6 k with CodeBlocks - which is using a more up to date gcc than Dev-cpp.
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