Hiya, I have a small question with progress bars. I have no problem setting range, colors, and setting position and all, however I do have a question on its overall appearence
I use ResEdit to create my RC files, and when i press F5 to preview the dialog, I get something like this: http://imgur.com/QaLxq
However when I compile my program and run it, the proggress bars appear like so: http://imgur.com/w0I4D
I would like my progress bars to appear in the same visual style as they do in ResEdit, so what's the best way to get to this?
You can try adding a manifest file to your resource file (or if you are using MSVC directly to your project).
If using MSVC - Copy the text below to a file called for example mymanifest.manifest - notice the file extension - and see if that helps.
Do not forget to call first InitCommonControlsEx() with IDC_PROGRESS style also in your code.
For this to work you need to define _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0501 to target windows xp or later.
If you are using Visual Studio, put this in stdafx.h, there is NO NEED for using manifest files and also NOT need to call InitCommonControlsEx():