icons load file error

Hi, can anbody help with this one? This is not a coding error, it is some kind of system issue,
My app has its own file type, when one is double clicked the program opens and the file is loaded, everything works fine.

Except! i have changed my icon to one that contains 3 different sizes and bit resolutions as recommended is MSDN, I have tried two versions, one that was created in GIMP and then saved as icon in Gif Movie Gear, again recommended by MSDN.

The problem is now that when i double click the file i get a windows error box which you can see here:

problem occurs in windows 2000, xp, and windows 7
it contains the message:
options are:
-bg2 color
-bg color
-di[isplay] host:n.n

and similiar graphic attributes type messages.

There is something going on with the way i am implementing or saving this icon, perhaps it is not the icon itself but something to do with the way my installer script registers the icon in the win registry? using inno setup script, and the default registry section as described in its help / faq files.
its ok,

this is nothing to do witht the icons or windows really, it is third party library call i was using, the error was native to the library and is now solved.
cool... glad you were able to track it down
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