is it possible to do?

Hi, everybody,
From C++ program is it possible
- to make a screenshot ( the same thing that "printscreen" button does )
- to access the computer clipboard somehow,
- to set computer's date and time
- to start a system program ( "Paint", for instance )
- to end a system program ( like "Paint" ) ?

If any of those is possible, where can I learn how to do that?
My system is Windows XP.
Thank you.

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Google is your friend.

screen snapshot c++
c++ windows clipboard
c++ set system date time windows
c++ execute another program
msdn createprocess

The last one is a bit trickier to find information on. You'll need information you get from the CreateProcess() function. Post a WM_CLOSE message to the child window to ask it to terminate. You can use WaitForSingleObject() to wait a moment, then force it to terminate with a WM_QUIT message.

Good luck!
Thank you, Duoas!
No problem. Post back if you need more help with any of those.
All the code is in MSDN (really basic apis...)
And "is it possible " has no sense, since everything is possible with Win32 api.
Please don't give beginners a hard time for wanting to learn something. Before too long he'll know just where and how to look for things he wants as well as you or I can.
george: Do you work for Microsoft? Def sounds like it.
No, I just use Win16-Win32 api since Win 2.0, Win 3.0, 3.1, Win 9x, etc...
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