Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place. But I use Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to code, but I was wondering how you can run your programs without having that program installed (it doesn't work unless that program is installed)
I don't know what error you get exactly, but you probably need to link the C runtime (CRT) statically instead of dynamically in your executable. There is an option for that in the project's properties (I don't have VC++ available right now so I cannot tell you the exact name of this option).

Another possibility is to install a small package called Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package on the all the computers you want to run your programs on. It can be packaged with your program's installer. It is freely available here:
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I mean is there way to for example store the "game/program" on an Usb, then run it on a random computer that doesn't have anything installed that have to do with c++ and then run the program.
Before compilng your project goto the menu, Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation. At the right side set the Runtime Library to Multi-threaded Debug or Multi-threaded depending on your configuration.

Good luck and Cheers!!
Thanks, it worked.

I got an add-on question (I was supposed to ask this in the first place) I am using the library allegro for a project. But then it doesn't work, I include the .exe file and 3 of the needed .dll files. We also placed the allegro library in C:\Allegro which I had on my computer with VC c++ but it still didn't work.

Is there something I am doing wrong like I could have forgotten, or do I need to do extra things?
Twilice wrote:
But then it doesn't work.
What exactly is your problem here?
I am not sure actually, I am testing this through another person so it's hard to "debug".

The error is something like this:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application.
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