Dialog control icon

How do you make a dialog control icon?

This is what I have:

#define IDI_ICON 1001
IDI_ICON ICON "icon.ico"
ICON "IDI_ICON", 1001, 48, 48, SS_ICON

That give the error:
RC2108 : expected numerical dialog constant

I'm using MSVC++ 2008 Express Edition

Are you trying to write a *.rc file??

The line:
ICON "IDI_ICON", 1001, 48, 48, SS_ICON should be enclosed within a DIALOGEX statement - as it denotes an ICON control as apposed to the resource itself
Yes, I have it in a DIALOGEX statement. I managed to get all the other controls to work, but not the ICON one.
Aaah, It might be the number of parameters you are providing

Try adding a width and height parameter (I have used 32 for width and height here, but you can use 0 because windows always use the real icon width and height)

ICON "IDI_ICON", 1001, 48, 48, 32,32, SS_ICON

Also If that compiles without error, but the icon doesn't show, then try (without the quotation marks)
ICON IDI_ICON, 1001, 48, 48, 32,32, SS_ICON
Yep, that was it, the correct version is ICON IDI_ICON, 1001, 10, 10, 32, 32, SS_ICON and SS_ICON is optional, however, unlike MSDN documentation says, the width and height are not.
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