My c++ windows debugged windows program won't run

I wrote and I debugged a c++ windows program. Rather that it run, it throws an exception with the following message:Unhadled exception at 0x00000003 in Assist School.exe: 0x0000005: Access violation.

The dialogue box gave me two options, break and continue.When I clicked break I got the following message:No symbols are loaded for any stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed.
The dialogue box once again gave me two options,Ok and dissembly.When I clicked dissemble I got a list of low level memory address.
How do I get my program to run?I use Visual Studio 2008. My OS is XP.
Is your code too long to post.
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closed account (3pj6b7Xj)
Sounds like your program is writing were it is not supposed too...
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