I have been able to locate most of the WM_ messages and determine their values; howver, I cannot seem to find messages 140-148 (decimal). Could someone please tell me what they are and where they are documented.
I have prepared an excel spreadsheet with most of the WM_ messages and their decimal and hex codes.
I also have one for the 'text' structures and one for the 'time' structures.
These are available for posting/submission or by request e-mail: bob.buckingham@yahoo.com
I'm a little new, yet old at this programming stuff.
I hate poor documentation and since I'm new, I'm trying to learn what the messages are so I can determine if they are useful or should just be defaulted. But if I don't know what they are...
more on poor documentation - There are millions of pages out there on the Windows API, most are either too simple or too complex. Most samples are stripped of vital organ so that 'new' user can see the 'plain' works, but I need and thus want more. Other samples are either poorly document (the coder starts out well, but decides to use brute force at the end *) or uses 'insider' naming conventions. Eventually, if you study thirty or so 'sample' of what you are trying to learn, you get some basics.
* I understand the need to 'finish' with brute force. Even a trivial working sample requires a lot of work.
I research all of MSDN and all of the SDK header files. That's how I created the spreadsheet.
However, when I trace WndProc (and the message loop), I get these unknown (to me) and undocumented (as far as I can tell) messages from 140- 148. They occur when I use the System Menu (upper left corner) to close my application. I'm doing this because I haven't implement any code for my menus. I don't really need to know, but I am curious and 'want' to know.
Windows has always been full of undocumented stuff. Sometimes, things are undocumented for a reason--they're implementation features and subject to change.
Trying to program in Windows with out the win32 api reference is like an electrician leaking wires with his tongue to see if there is current flowing or not.