basic windows application questions?

I know c++ programming however i am new to windows application(just know the basics like inserting textboxes,some functions on it...)

I have a windows form with some textboxes,buttons, webbrowser from the toolbox. I want to write a text in the textbox and when i press the button, the webbrowser opens and goes to (for example), enters as search what i wrote in the text, then presses search and then chooses a specific link.

Where should i write the list of actions to do when the button is pushed?

Also when wanting to choose a link from an html file, what is the best way of choosing it(using tab,tab,tab,..., enter or move mouse to link or other...) and how?

Here is what the project is about:

Part one: Data Search and Storage
The program should take as input a specific virus, then search the web for information (e.g. news reports) that can help track the spread of the virus, and provide a history of where and the level of spread of the virus. The needed data found will be saved as text files to be processed in part two. You may want to consider indexing data structures for fast retrieval lat.
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You should write the list of actions in functions^^...

You got multiple options: 1. You could simulate clicks and other input -as You did describe above-
2. Or You may just analyze the html file that You received for descriptions and "browse" to the link without simulating input.
how? Can you provide me with any tutorials? I dont know how to analyze html files
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I never done it with html... shouldn´t be too hard if you understand html *hint*...
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